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« Ionic + Fastlane

    First published: August 2017

Build your Ionic or Cordova app with Fastlane

Now that you have Fastlane correctly configured for both iOS and Android, created remote apps and added some first metadata it is a good time to actually do something with your Ionic or Cordova project: build it. For this you will leverage and edit the Fastfile for the first time and create new lanes in it. Exciting!

Choose your build method

As with manual building, you have 3 options available how to build: 1) Via ionic, 2) via cordova or 3) native tooling (Android Studio, Xcode?). Use the linked article to choose which one best matches your requirements (TLDR: ionic for Ionic project, cordova for pure Cordova projects, native tooling if there is a specific reason) and then continue with the corresponding article:

  1. Build your Ionic app with the Fastlane Ionic plugin
  2. Build your Ionic or Cordova app with the Fastlane Cordova plugin
  3. Build your Ionic or Cordova app with native tooling in Fastlane

Next up

When you have a Debug version of your app you can upload your app for testing (with HockeyApp or Testflight and Play Store Alpha). After testing and you succeeded in building a Release version of your app, publish it on the stores so your users can download it.

« Ionic + Fastlane

    First published: August 2017